This is an OBDLink interface, so most of the OBDLink software is OBDFusion/TouchScan in an OE form and should be included or available for no cost download once you have the interface. Jump on this quick, currently a Lightning deal with $10 off, currently $19.99 with the $10 deal discount. But it was a tool I used to find a number of problems back when there were no real OBDII Apps available.
I have the TouchScan software however, I have not used it in a LONG time mainly due to the smart phone Apps. Slight different interface that I purchased a long time ago. This may effectively include the TouchScan software in a OE form? I know many years ago before all the Apps and wireless interfaces were available, I purchased something like this and it did include the TouchScan software. Most of the OBDLink interfaces have the key in the interface that will allow the OBDLink software to work with the interface, but often you can use the OBDLink interfaces with different programs as well. Jump on this quick, currently a Lightning deal with $10 off, currently $19.99 with the $10 deal discount and ends in under 2 hours.